MV Tamim ship sank in the Bay of Bengal.
Shipwreck in Bay of Bengal with wheat. The lighter ship named MV Tamim carrying 1,600 tonnes of wheat from Chittagong sank in the Bay of Bengal on its way to Dhaka.
On Wednesday (May 18), the ship “MV Tamim” sank in the Char area of Tilla below Ramgati Pilot Beach. According to a report in the online edition of the English daily The Business Standard.
It is learned that “MV Tamim” started its journey to Nabil Auto Flower Mill in Dhaka on Tuesday morning after loading wheat worth Tk. Another ship rescued 12 sailors from the ship after the accident.

Ataul Kabir Ranju, Joint Secretary (Operations) of Water Transport Cell, said, “The lighter ship was going to Dhaka carrying 1,600 tons of wheat from Mother Vessel at Chittagong port. It sank after being pushed into the submarine. Twelve sailors aboard the wrecked ship have been rescued alive. ”
The MV Tamim was operated by Samata Shipping and Logistics at the Water Transport Cell (WTC) serial. Equality officer Jamal Hossain said the hedge in front of the ship exploded when it collided with an invisible object under water on the way. At this time hedge water enters. Another ship rescued 12 sailors from the ship after the accident.
Ashfaq bin Idris, the Coast Guard’s East Zone Staff Officer (Operations) Lieutenant Commander, said there were no shipwrecks in the Bay of Bengal. However, we have come to inspect the ship after getting the news that the floor of the lighterage ship named MV Tamim burst and water entered. The workers are staying in the ship. Talks have been held with the organization in charge of the operation of the ship. They are sending another ship to the scene. The ship will drag MV Tamim to shore.